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Channel Point Tester

As per IS:1118 – 1992

Gear Oil Channel point tester is used for determination of channel point of gear oil at low temperature.

The test consists of storing an Oil sample for 18 hours at a low temperature, cutting a channel in the lubricants with a metal strip and determining whether the lubricants flow together to covet the bottom of the container within 10 seconds.

Construction : Inner bath made stainless steel 304, outer body made of Epoxy Power Coated or stainless steel. The equipment will have single chambers with provision for holding one stainless steel container and stainless steel strip.

Cooling System : -70°C temperature will be achived in the Chamber with 2 no ISO 9001 CERTIFIED “EMERSON” make Ozone-friendly hermetically sealed compressor with air cooled condenser with low temperature PHE design , Fan motor etc. charged with CFC/HCFC-Free refrigerants.

Temperature controller & instrumentation : Fully automatic microprocessor based PID controller having feather touch key board. Display indicating temperature with resolution of 0.01& the controller is having splash proof membrane with PT -100 sensors

Control panel will consist of 1 nos. microprocessor based temperature controller having LED Display, pt 100 sensor probes, 1 no.etc.


  • Single place low temperature bath
  • No. of Test jars : 1 / 2 / 4
  • Minimum Temperature : -70°C
  • Eurotherm make microprocessor based PID temperature controller with pt100 sensor.